Engage Florida, located in Ocala, is in partnership with the Houck family, (David, Tammy and 9 children) who have been in ministry almost 20 years. David Houck is the founder of Help Agency Inc. which includes Turning Point mentor centers, Food Bank, and Camp Sozo. The Help Agency has been serving the rural poor since 1993. Providing food, financial help, mentoring, teen pregnancy help and prevention, and much more. The Agency currently serves thousands of families each month with these services. They recognize the need to go beyond the everyday “food handout” and reach out to a hurting community in compassion and love. Many of their clients live without electricity or running water and need to be rescued from themselves (SoZo- to rescue, save, heal, make whole). The Help Agency is now operating a summer camp facility in an effort to reach children in rural poverty, as well as facilitate activities for other organizations in providing an amazing wilderness experience for children and families.
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Service Opportunities
Engage students spend 15-25 hours weekly in service helping the Houcks fulfill their mission to: reach children in rural poverty, showing love and compassion with practical HELP. They are dedicated to the education, physical well being and safety of children. Providing social services including but not limited to; feeding, medical, prevention and treatment of these issues. Showing the love of Christ in action![/content_box]
Dates and Cost
Fall Semester (August – December)
Spring Semester (January – May)
Cost TBA
* cost does not include travel to and from site or college tuition or fees.
[button text=”Apply” link=”http://www.engagemylife.org/apply/” style=”primary” size=”normal” target=”_self” display=”inline” icon=”no”]